Our beautiful heat map allows you to see at a glance where you're getting visitors. Areas with the most visitors glow white-hot, areas with moderate visitors are yellow, and areas with some visitors are red.
Zoom and pan the beautiful large maps to your heart's content, all the way down to city level detail. The closer you zoom, the more details you get.
Got a WordPress site? Great! Our WordPress plugin seamlessly integrates with WordPress, and makes it super easy to set up the map for your site.
The list of most recent visitors shows a bit more detail of each visitor, including the city, state, country, and the flag.
Make the visitor map a centerpiece of a blog post or page right on your site. If you're trying to make money with your site, you know how important it is to keep visitors on your site. By embedding the map on your site, your visitors won't have to leave.
Ready to rock some hit counter maps on